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About Brent Crude Oil
The Brent crude oil market is the futures market which deals in the commodity Brent crude oil, a light crude oil consisting of 0.37% of sulfur and serving as ideal raw material for the production of gasoline as well as some of the middle distillate products. This form of crude oil has been named as 'Brent' in the honor of the bird Brent goose and was coined by the company Shell UK Exploration and Production which is responsible for extracting this oil from the North Sea. Also referred to as the Brent Blend, London Brent and Brent petroleum, this commodity is responsible for the pricing of two-thirds of the total volume of crude oil supplies which are traded on the international scale. Some of the other well known forms of Brent crude oil which are traded as well are the OPEC Reference Basket, the Dubai Crude and the WTI, the West Texas Intermediate.
In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the Brent, it is imperative for the trader to realize that this product is one of the most actively traded commodities in the world and although transactions pertaining to it occur all over the world, the maximum amount of trading occurs in three centers namely London in UK through the International Petroleum Exchange, New York in US and Singapore in Asia.
There are a number of ways in which the Brent can be traded like the Futures contract, the world benchmark, the US Benchmark and the OPEC Basket price. A trader who indulges in futures contract is required to make a minimum purchase of 1000 barrels and can do so only through the regulated exchanges with daily settlement on the basis of the current value as recorded in the market place. This transaction is carried out by the buyer and seller agreeing to receive and provide respectively a fixed quantity of Brent crude oil at a decided price at a particular location.

It is the Brent which holds the honor of being globally accepted as the world benchmark so that the other varieties of crude oil are graded and priced using this as a point of reference. The only exception to this rule is the Gulf region in which it is the Dubai crude oil which serves as a benchmark due to its on-the-spot availability in single units as compared to the Brent crude oil's supply contracts stretching over long durations. Likewise, the US benchmark is the WTI which is described as being light and sweet crude due to its minimal sulfur content. Another noteworthy form of trading in this sector is the one which quotes the OPEC basket price, an average of 15 different varieties of crude oil. The importance of this knowledge should be understood well by the trader because since the price difference between the Brent, the OPEC basket price and the WTI are not much, the price of one can be used to gauge the prices of others and predict their direction of movement as well.
A trader who wishes to invest in Brent should be aware that this commodity can be acquired from two major sources namely the ICE, the electronic Intercontinental Exchange, and the NYMEX, the New York Mercantile Exchange, an open outcry form of market. Having decided to purchase Brent crude, one would come across a number of different options like the date of purchasing, the location of delivery and advance buying options at different prices depending on the individual requirements of the business. In such a situation, the trader is strongly recommended to select a licensed broker in order to place an order and this can be done either online or through phone. On being given the green signal, the broker would lock in the particular variety of Brent crude at the current market price and ask the trader to provide leeway to accommodate the fluctuations as well. When the date of the futures contract approaches, the trader is faced with the option of either taking the delivery of oil or alternatively settling the contract with cash.
The Brent transactions in the spot market are relatively easier as the trader can immediately purchase the variety of crude after having identified it, locate a legitimate seller of the same and make a deal after having negotiated the terms and conditions of the sale.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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