eBay Stock (EBAY) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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Last Trading Idea Based on Technical Analysis
Wed, 04 Apr 2012 - By Godmode-Trader.de
Blue line signals more probable scenario, while grey line signals less probable one.
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About eBay Inc. (EBAY)
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One of the noteworthy success stories of the dot-com bubble which was afloat during the 1990s', eBay could be best described as an online marketplace in which anyone in any corner of the world can buy or sell anything. There was a time when e-commerce was just a concept and it is only when companies like eBay applied it and began to flourish that this idea was translated into reality.
To facilitate online commerce, this company started out with an auction format but later on expanded to provide 'Buy it now' shopping facility, placing of classified advertisements online, online ticket trading for various events and online money transfers. While ticketing responsibility lies with StubHub, monetary transfers occur through PayPal and classified ads are placed via websites like Kijiji, BilBasen, eBay classifieds and so on.
Online commerce is the mainstay of this company and it is provided via a range of international and local platforms. Likewise the infrastructure has been designed to facilitate commerce on a variety of platforms and an interested buyer or a seller would come across a number of solutions pertaining to this field. Incorporation of advanced technology, provision of customer care, successful fulfillment of commitments and interactive marketing services has made eBay the preferred choice of buyers and seller around the world. Good experience apart, it is the cost effective nature of transactions which has contributed significantly towards the organization's acceptance.
The online payment segment of eBay is one of the most reliable modes of global transfer of funds, its medium being PayPal. Through the solutions offered by the company, payments - both individual as well as commercial, are made in form of funds received and sent.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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