Intel Stock Price (INTC) - Buy, Hold, Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
Intel stock price analysis, latest news, chart, target, discussions, and other investing related information about this chip maker can be found here.
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Mon, 26 Mar 2012 - By
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About Intel Corporation (INTC)
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Intel holds the honor of being the largest semiconductor chip maker in the world and is an American organization which specializes in manufacturing a variety of devices associated with computing and communication. Majority of the company's task-force is engaged in designing, manufacturing and selling integrated chips to a global client base and integration of the basic processing functionalities of these chips with the other components of the system also comes under its purview.
From an organization like Intel one can expect state-of-the-art microprocessor products ranging from simple workstations and desktops to sophisticated netbooks, notebooks and handheld devices which are capable of performing the most complex array of functions. In addition there are products facilitating storage, communication and embedded applications not to mention their incorporation in consumer electronics.
Diversification has been core to this company's rise on the international platform and is practiced in form of manufacturing of chipset products, motherboards and connectivity products of both wired as well as wireless variety. A special offering of the company is the NAND flash memory product which facilitates memory storage in case of devices like digital cameras, solid state drives and other portable appliances. Software packages and their related developmental tools complete the inventory list of Intel.
Having been synonymous with processing, Intel sells its products to original manufacturers only as also to direct users of PC components and communication devices. Courtesy of its strategic alliance with Scientific Conservation, the company is committed to developing energy efficient products and promoting green technology.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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