First Solar Stock (FSLR) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
First Solar stock is very volatile as one could expect for alternative energy sector. We provide analysis, chart, news, expert's research, and discussions.
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About First Solar, Inc. (FSLR)
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For anyone who is conscious towards the fragile environment of our planet and wishes to make a contribution towards its betterment, First Solar Inc would be the ideal first stop because this organization is the second largest manufacturer of photovoltaic modules in the world and all its products and services are aimed towards providing people with eco-friendly solar power systems and solutions.
The solar modules which are designed and constructed by this company are based on thin-film semi-conductor technology and these are subsequently marketed and sold to developers, integrators and operators of renewable energy systems worldwide. Hence, it is thanks to the thin film present in these modules that the sun's rays are converted into electric current in an efficient yet affordable manner, the entire process being bereft of emissions or wastes.
First Solar Inc also offers complete utility scale PV systems which are mounted either on ground or on rooftops and are meant for commercial or industrial applications. When the customer is provided with complete PV system, the solution is inclusive of all aspects beginning from the development of the project to financing, sale of assets, engineering, procurement and construction. Subsequently the responsibility of day-to-day operations and maintenance long after the completion of the project also lies with the company.
Amongst the services offered by the company, the foremost is EPC which is an acronym for Engineering, Procurement and Construction. This team works on the basis of site-specific conditions and has had the honor of constructing some of the largest solar power plants in North America. The cherry on the cake is the recycling program which is offered by the company to all its customers wherein on being intimated the company personnel will collect the modules for recycling without any extra cost.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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